Am I addicted to Coca-Cola? I guess you could say that; in the lighter sense, I suppose I am. It is my drink of choice when I am very, very thirsty; nothing else quenches my thirst quite like Coca-Cola!
Oh, yes, I do drink lots of water during the day, and begin my morning with a good cup or two of hot tea. Yet, after a warm day in the sun gardening, or after a walk, hmmmmm, I suppose even after a shopping trip, I delight in a good, ice-cold Coke!
Over the years I have found sipping on Coca-Cola when suffering from the flu alleviates the nausea symptoms better than anything else...for me. Try it some time; just a sip at a time. Even when coming out of open-heart surgery, and having that terrible nauseated feeling from the anesthesia, I wanted my Coke! Instead, I was given anti-nausea medications (narcotics), which I didnt appreciate. I finally convinced my doctors, and promised them, I would only take small sips of Coke at a time, if they would discontinue the meds! This worked much better for me, and I was alert most of the time rather than sedated!
So, now its time for lunch. I have some left-over Daal Saag and Chicken Briyani Ill warm up and enjoy....with a glass of iced Coca-Cola, thank you!