Coca cola tastes ok I guess, if I am in the mood for one. I do notice that after I have been drinking other colas, I get a gritty like feel on my teeth. My dentist informed me that that is a chemical reaction of the phosphoric acid on my enamel. Doesnt sound too good! He has done research that shows that Coke and other similar sodas do lots of damage in the form of decay. Also, I have discovered Coke has many uses besides eventually damaging your kidneys and causing osteoporosis prematurely in women!! Coca Cola can be used to: clean your toilet, take motor oil stains out of clothes, clean the surface of an engine (use a 2 liter bottle, open and pour on the engine block or wherever it is greasy) clean stained cement, and last but not least, clean the battery acid off cables. Warning, never put coke directly on your batter!!! Hows that for refreshing? It is very easy for people, especially teens to get addicted to the caffiene in colas. How about a product to counter that addiction??? Anyone?