Hi all as I saw many reviews about Cogent e-services PSN Whitefield branch, as I saw few reviews are realistic about Cogent management and few reviews are posted by management team to coverup their failures.
Dear all I will explain the real face of Cogent e-services PSN whitefield branch from the beginning,
It is an banking process of Axis bank previously this process has been handled by Concentrix later process has been take over by Cogent e-services in the year of 2019, beginning of the process was good, the team was mixed with few experienced Concentrix Concentrix executives and talented leaders recruited from Cogent management. Beginning of the process there was 1 ops manager called Ram Krishna prasad was handling management, after 1st month real faces are came out ops manager started showing his arrogant behavior to AMs and TLs before process settle, there was no accurate planning to run process smoothly, hence the result of dictatorship rule and arrogant behavior 1 by 1 AMs and TLs started to quit the job, this was not only effected for operations team also affected to training team. The so called ops Manager dont have respect on their co workers it be a man or woman, he will use languages in meeting also its a very bad, he dont know how to speak in front of women employees.later another ops manager joined to the process named as Reno George he also tempered person he also an arrogant and dictatorship ruler, there was no understanding between Ram and Reno instead of leading process they were started divide and rule system, their ego affected to the bonding in team started ego fights on floor blamings issues, instead of concentrating on process and work people started ego fights selfishness.Ram only looks and concentrated more on sales and incentives both Oms started pressuring their TLs to do more sales impact started fake sale wrong information, ZTP cases agents are more concentrated on sales instead of giving resolutions to the customers. As managers they failed to lead the process, instead of correcting their loopholes they started blaming on their TLs and AMs,
As senior manager Ram failed to handled the situation and he failed to stand with truth hence the reason he lost many people who really respected him and believed him, here reno he stands support people on his favour by knowing all the situation he failed to support people who are new learners who have dreams to achieve something in this field but he didnt support them he is a partiality leader.
Coming to the recruiting and HR department leaded by HR kruthiga, as hr they failed to do correct recruitment instead of doing proper interviews they fulfilled people to the stock like a godown,
As HR they failed to resolve their employees issue.
At the current situation of corona all are aware that many people are facing problems to report office few people got call and SMS to report office mentioned date and few reported to office ops managers asking for the documents to rejoin to the company. There is no job secure also.
Till few leaders are sacrificing under this dirty politics,
Dear Cogent management still time is there to save process and company name, now also If u all not wake up surely a dark mark to the company.
After these many issues there is no action taken on them its a sad. If u want a clarification call all your ex employees enquire them u will get to now the reality.
Dear Cogent e Service Main HR and management kindly look in to the issues.