If there is a survey done among urban Indians on what is the first branded product they use every morning, chances are most would say "Colgate" !!
I have been using colgate toothpaste to clean my teeth ever since I remember. I guess it was probably one of the few products made and sold when I was young. Also, they must have impressed my parents (most definetely my father as he used to take most of the decisions involving expenditure in my younger days) to such an extent that this was a constant feature in our house.
Each day I woke with a dry mouth and filled with dread about the stink I must be exhaling everytime I opened my mouth. So much that I refused to speak with anyone till I had brushed my teeth. I just loved the mint flavour that used to spread in my mouth and I had the feeling that this is somehow making my teeth stronger. I also loved the magic in the cream that made the bad breath simply disappear !!
I know now that the main purpose of brushing is to remove any food particles that get collected in between teeth. And the best way to prevent bad breath is to watch what you put inside the moth in the first place... and to keep the residue out of the crevices and the nooks and corners where they would otherwise be the breeding ground for bacteria..
Along the years (or should I say decades?) I did experiment with other toothpastes.. So many "me too" products and some alternate products.. But I guess the habits formed at a young age are difficult to overcome. I think this is the core strength of products / brands that catch their customers young.
I must boast here that I have been able to retain all my teeth with no cavities thanks to some regular brushing and adequate care taken in my diet. I must also give some credit to Colgate for this. During a recent annual check up, the doctor was admiring my well preserved teeth and commented that it must have been due to my obsession of keeping foriegn particles out of my teeth.
Even people who use other toothpastes regularly and people who use traditional "Neem" twigs as brushes must be having similar results. People who "floss" their teeth each night before sleep must also be having similar results. The whole point is that tooth care is more about care and less about brands / methods used.
What I like about Colgate ? Their value proposition, consistency, uniqueness, pricng / offers that come from time to time etc.
What I dont like ? The ads that show actors wearing aprons and trying to con people into believing that they are dentists.