Well first I would share my personal experience that I have never found any improvement or healing sign by using Colgate. Second, its my reference and opinion by studying lot of materials on Colgate and surfing net, watching awareness videos on it. Colgate toothpaste comes for Rs. 500 for 153gram. It means that 1 kg of Colgate costs Rs.3267.97. I found that a normal person uses 1.5-2 gm of toothpaste everyday so it means that a person uses 730 grams of Colgate Toothpaste every year which costs Rs.2384.91. And from this result it means that a person spends Rs.1 lakh 43 thousand 135 rupees every year for this Colgate Toothpaste. Why do we spend so much of money on such useless things?
One more interesting fact is that in INDIA, Ghee(Clarified Butter) costs Rs. 500 per kg which is very healthy thing and Toothpaste costs Rs. 3267. What a strange thing? How smart we INDIANS are.
After using this Colgate toothpaste we spit it out, I say why do we spit out, we should eat such costly things with bread.
Do we know what chemicals are added in it? Then do read that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is added in it which is very a dangerous chemical. 1 drop of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate can cause cancer in tongue.
In American and European countries, these toothpaste are sold with warnings, and they write on the outer part of these paste that "Please keep out of childrens reach. In case of accidental ingestion, please contact immediately Poison Control Centre." It is cancerous.
If you want to really brush your teeth with some paste, then use natural things as Turmeric, Mustard Oil and Salt. Mix these up and apply it on your teeth. It is such a useful method. But do not be a fool and buy such things.