I have lived in Colorado for seven years now and each morning when I get up, the beauty of it all still amazes me.
My family and I are privileged enough to live at the base of the mountains. The sunrises are a true gift from God. Even the fog around them can be a beauty to behold. To see the mountain tops peaking through the fog on a gray morning; well, no picture could do them justice.
Each day trip here can be an adventure of a lifetime. We love the outdoors, so this is a wonderful place for us to be. Come along and share a typical Saturday with me:
We wake early and the sun is shinning. It is a beautiful day. Much to beautiful to say inside. So, we pack a picnic lunch and it is off to the mountains. We search out a spot that well be suitable to the activities of the day. Today that will be--a little hiking, a nature walk, some fishing, and oh yes--a camp fire.
There it is, over there. A nice mountain brook, a trail for our walk, a great rock formation for climbing, and today would bring an added bonus--a great spot for river rafting.
Our walk begins and the forest is beautiful. There are flowers and vegetation that one could only imagine. Look over there, it is a mother bear and her cubs. Over on the ridge you can see a herd of elk, and in the pasture some dear. In the thick, you can see the fox family. I wonder what they are up to? If you watch quietly, you can see the mountain lions. We must be quiet though. None of these animals are anything to be afraid of. Just respect their right to be.
The walk is over and now it is time to pull out the inner tubes and take a trip down the river. Wow the water is cold! Oh look, daddy is catching lots of fish. Lets lay back on the tubes and watch the clouds as they roll on by.
Day is nearly over. The sun begins to set. We light our camp fire and cook our fish. Dinner done and calm and quiet fills the air. Lets break out the guitar and sing some songs, and roast some marshmallows. Maybe we can tell some ghost stories. Day is done and it is time to go home now. It was a wonderful day full of fun and memories untold. All for the price of a tank of gas.
There are many things to do in Colorado. There is skiing, and boating, and much much more. There is fun to be had and money to be spent. The real beauty of Colorado is what lies behind the scenes. The beauty of nature.