This review is about Dr Archana Agrawal (Cell number: 9845141493), the gynecologist at CAH, Hebbal. Let me start by saying that if we decide to have another baby, the Doctor has to be Dr. Archana or Dr. Archana or Dr. Archana and no one else. Not many people feel happy while visiting doctor but My wife and I used to find reasons to visit her. We used to feel so happy after coming out of her office and would immediately plan for the next visit. She would give us all the time she could, listens to all the crappy questions we had for her and answering them patiently.
We visited her first time in July 2010, (I am not sure how but we ended up having an appointment with Dr Archana, ). Before meeting her, we had some doubts carrying out the whole pregnancy/delivery in Bangalore as we live alone here. We had an option of going to my parents place. After meeting her, we decided that we will be in Blore and Dr Arachana will be the doctor. She really left a lasting impression in first meeting, we felt like we have known her for a long time. My wife had a miscarriage earlier and then during pregnancy she developed a big size ovarian cyst (which was although benign but due to some torsion it was causing a killing pain).
We really had our doubts if laproscopy or any other surgical removal would be safe for the baby in first trimester. The way Dr Archana handled the whole episode, specially being available at very odd hrs (12 mid night or 1am), really impressed me. Ultimately laproscopy was done and cyst was removed without any harm to the baby. The biggest thing is that she understood the pain my wife was going through and more importantly how much we were looking forward for baby.
Throughout the pregnancy, she was always there to take a call or come to hospital on very short notices. She was the one person who made my wife to go for normal deliver (not the c-section). Till the actual delivery date, my wife was all convinced that she will go for the normal delivery, but on that particular day, within 5 mins of pain, she gave up and begged for c-section. My mom and I really wanted to go for c-section as we couldnt see her suffering. That time also if was Dr Archana, who was holding the fort. She came around 1am, and refused to go for c-section. As a professional she knew that its going to be just about few hrs. The way she convinced my wife and handled the whole situation was mind-boggling. Of course, I was feeling pity for my wife but I was glad and confident that as long as Archana is there, everything will be fine. I have seen cases, where just a hint of c-section from the mother, and doctors run for that (could be money or to wind up things fast without having to worry about the mother). The kind of attitude Archana showed, I was bowled over. Ultimately, my wife had a normal deliver, and she just kept thanking Archana for not listening to her.
I just cant thank her enough. On the whole, I personally felt that she treated us like her family and we had a great 9 month.