I met with an accident 7 months back and got a fracture in the leg between knee and ankle. I got operated by Dr Naveen Chand Nayak at Columbia Asia, Hebbal for fixing the bone with the support of a metal. The operation went fine.
But it is this Doctors greediness that is making me worried now. I have never seen such a greedy doctor in my life.
He charged Rs.1800 to give an injection besides consultation fee, post discharge. But, I was never worried as I could afford it. But he suggested all the wrong treatment post discharge. He kept on changing different types of bandages like plaster of paris, fibre etc every week for two months. Because of this, I was not at all able to move my ankle after two months.
He didnt even suggest physiotherapy until I asked whether I would need it. After taking physiotherapy, I was able to move my ankle a little. Every time during the consultation, which was normally every fortnight, I kept asking that I was not able to move ankle completely.
His standard answer was to take an x-ray and then say everything is fine. Keep the ankle in hot water for 15 mins daily. He never suggested any exercises. He was more interested in changing the bandages and charge Rs.1800+ Rs.500(towards consultation)+ Bandage cost every time than my recovery. Finally, I was pissed off and moved to another doctor, who said there was no need of applying plaster of paris or fiber bandages after surgery. A normal bandage(which comes in Orange color) would have been sufficient. This was the reason for developing stiffness in ankle and suggested some exercises.
I am still not able to walk properly even after 7 months, which would ideally take no more than 6 months(My friend who had similar fracture and got operated in Appolo, Hyderguda, Hyderabad was able to walk properly in 5 months). Now, I am totally worried whether I would ever be able to walk properly. I sincerely do not advice this doctor for any kind of treatment. He is more of a business man than a doctor. Unfit to be a doctor.