The problem with this hospital is there are no doctors attached to the hospital working full time. As all the doctors work part time (for very small duration of 2 hours) the hospital management has no control on when the doctors come and go. In my case where my father was admitted there was no communication between the doctors e.g. between Radiologist and Physician, Physician and Surgeon etc.
Everyone logs data into a computer that uses a unique patient number and doesnt try to coordinate with others. This puts the patient care in serious trouble. For each procedure CT, X-Ray or blood test it takes hours together, as there is some serious shortage of staff.
With this behavior it would take at least 10 years for Columbia Asia to reach to the level of Manipal hospital.
The hospital management should understand that fancy amenities like having latest software, modern wards etc are temporary. It is the patient care that is going to help them in growing over a longer period of time. They should seriously have some good doctors who are attached to the hospital and work full time.
My experience with this hospital has been very bad and I would not recommend anybody going here. This hospital should be okay only for normal childbirths but not for any other complicated medical condition.
Overall hospital management should stop aggressively marketing and start thinking about the patient care.