I have been here for for quite couple of months. I stumbled this website as I was looking for the reviews on the products, we were willing to buy. Before that, I wanted to have a feeling of users about some products.
The commenting must be done without prejudice. I have seen here some comments like chain letters. If one is having close friends onboard, private messages, personal comments, should be kept aside. what happens at the end, one finds a group of close friends praising one of them and discouraging those who do not agree with them.
One should follow the professional way of puting forward his views.
Person may agree or disagree depending on the topic and message embedded. Offending, or too much personal comments should be avoided.
Our ability is not proved by our qualifications, It is proved by the decisions we take. Same applies to commenting here, One may be well qualified, his way of commenting may be too much rude. Or one may react out of way.
Comments should be entered gracefully and to the point.