Lifeline of Mouthshut
A year back Kunal (a friend of mine) had told me about a site called and I registered it at once.
A Novel Concept
The whole concept about commenting a product or a service holds a lot of significance especially in the present context when there are too much in from the consumer’s perspective. We have a lot of things at our disposal and you do require a site like MS to post an idea for the ideal buyer. Hats off to all those innovative brains that started this movement!
Initial jitters
Well, when I started to write I remember a comment by diver who said that I should format my reviews before I submit it on the site. Initially I did not know the html tags that had to be used to give a desired effect to the whole outcome of a review. It did take sometime for me to get used to this unusual environment
There is this famous saying “ the only thing permanent in life is change. ”. I have been witness to some amazing reviews written on this site by suresh, Pranavi, Rajni, Sainath to name a few. I specially remember the reviews written by Sainath with keen interest and the review on A R Rahman was just out of the world. There are reviews written by nikkamma which are also read with keen interest by me. For politics there is no one who can beat “betterlife” and I can surely vouch for the fact his reviews are very interesting and innovative and am sure our ever busy aristocrats can learn a lot from his vast experience.
Types of readers
To me there are only 3 set of readers in any site and that includes our MS too:
a)You have these compulsive readers who read anything and everything that catches their eye. My dad and some of my friends come under this category. And they might not really like or understand what they are going through but nevertheless a reading for them is a must.
b)Next you have these people who read reviews or any other reading material during leisure. They might just browse through what is being written without really doing justice to the efforts and pains taken by the writer to pen/ type down the review. Well, you can not blame them simply because they are not avid readers and do it just to pass their time.
c)Now for the genuine readers who see to it that they read or scan through each and every article ( knock!! Knock!! Is anyone there on this site??) and pass judgements based on their perception and knowledge. Their comments are more genuine and realistic in the sense they know when to say what.
Passing Comments
Now that we have seen the types of readers, we must understand that comments must be :-
2.It must make the writer realize whether he is on the right track or otherwise.
3.And please, please, please!! No comments should be made to any religion or one person in general.
I do understand that this review was just a token of the experiences that I have witnessed being a member in this site and till date I have enjoyed every second of me being here. I take this opportunity to thank each and every member of this site who have given this site just a high popularity.