Sex a very romantic word for all ages and sexes, everyone want to enjoy it but todays very false myth has raised in the mind of people and society about the sexual problem, that its a severe problem that we erectile fast or we have low sexual desire, etc and for cure of this people buy costly medicine that also not fully solve these common sexual problem.Reality is that these sexual problem is not a serious problem, its very common problem that arises due to not doing physical work, taking too much tension, everytime watchin porn movies also weak us our sexual desire, and this false beleive and doubt that women or men will not satisfy with us is due to reading porn sites and watching porn movies but reality is different, these all are not the sexual problem, even semen problem is also common, semen one drop is made from 100 blood drop and blood made from food, water, juice etc, so eat good diet, do physical work and do exercise, take 7 litres of waterin a dayand say goodbye to your sexual problem, Shilajit, anar juice, paneer, protein food and too much gold capsule is some good source to improve common sex problem.