Hello friends, This is one of the burning and interesting topics for human being. In India we talk, share and discuss about sex among friends but when it comes to personal front we deter to do or take bold step. Often seen in social circuit, flaunting their beautiful curvy body. It is good that we have traveled a long way in this aspect but still we are not matured enough or does not have that controlling power to manage self excitement when seen any lovey chic in their showy outfit.
At some extent, I feel we have advanced but the very next moment the circumstances and situation around us makes us feel that we are still away from those culture and society, where talking about sex and wearing appealing outfit does not turn heads around. We need to grow up by our mind, attitude, thoughts and character. But, is it really possible here in India, where high degree of privacy is still given utmost priority.
Therefore, I think it is necessary to have healthy and positive atmosphere.