I bought these 2514AT somewhere in August 04, very poor reliability I would say the battery doesnt stand for more than 15 minutes in just a couple of weeks. These is not expected from a product from Compaq, I dont where they are manufactured.
Over and above that you are suppose to take the Lap to the service center and get it repaired for no fault of yours. Infact it seems you have done a favour to tham buying there product. Also the attitude of the service center personnel is just not in line with the industry, they even dont how to speak to the customer. Before I bought the product I recieved the call from the Compag call cenetr whether I have bought the product. After I complaint about the battery issue not even a single follow up what as happen to the product. At the first place why it is suppose to fail.
I dont recommend anybody buying such products better buy Toshiba or DELL, I was told they are very reliable.