Motherboard stopped working after using 10-15 times this is the poorest electronic purchase expirence of my entire professional career. from that day onwards I have been verbally informing inferiority of hp/compaq laptops and never to buy them infact not even take them for free if someone gives them to you as a gift. my office ordered batch of 30 hp laptops and out of them 14 have gone faulty withing last 3 months that was second expierence of my life with hp compaq
They make inferior products it was told by current HP engineer I was friends with and he informed me dont even think of keep your hands on an hp laptop because your hands will get dirty
After these instances am convinced that hp/compaq makes inferior products :-
Remember :-
my personal exp
my companys personal exp
an hp engineer telling me same
I dont think I need more proofs than this to prove me that I still want to go ahead and purchase hp compaq laptops