Well dear friends,
Jasmine Ahuja and Tania Malhotra had been tirelessly sending emails to me asking me to write a review on any product that I had used or using. The first question that struck me was what was the product that I was using or used for the last year or so since I became a member of mouthshut.com. It was a purchase decision of my two year old Hero Honda Karizma that brought me to mouthshut.com. This site immensely helped me in reducing was is known as Congnitive Disonance - part of psychology/marketing/HR etc, when one goes through a buying process. Well let me not digress any further. Well the other day I read a mail from Jasmine....asking me to write a review....what I forgot was that I had been using a Laptop for the last 3 months and I never thought of writing a review on it even though I read her mails on the same thing. So, I thought over once again...why not on M2002AL....the first question that came to my mind was what is the thing that forced me to buy this Laptop..it was actually two reasons..i needed a portable computer instead of the bulky desktop and second thing is I travel a lot....so this one is the most handy electronic gadget...be to work...or watch movies or play games.
My budget was limited....around 40K....and my search led to Three Different Models -one from Dell - A home delivered product that came at around 38K - A Toshiba that came at around 45K, Compaq M2002AL at 35K, Acers model at 32K....the problem with the higher end models were that they were being supplied with Windows XP and Office suite..which I already had (they were shipped with my desktop)..so why pay for them....and when you are shelling out 40K+ there was no point in going for a Celeron Processor...the basic Pentium 4s start at 52K....and the lower end models starting at sub 30K were either very basic stripped down or carried negative remarks from other users..Compaq has always been known for its higher end PCs...when I heard about a 35K model..i thought this was the best way to possess a Compaq and did the necessary back ground search (thanks to mouthshut.com. and bought it. Its a Celeron M 1.3 Ghz Processor..40GB under the hood....a DVDR + CD-RW...3 USB ports...6-in-1 Digital Card Reader..a very good display....15 TFT monitor......built in JBL-pro speakers...which are the best when compared to other laptops (especially IBM ThinkPad has speakers that cant be heard a few metres away)..but it came with Mandrake Linux...it was not a problem with me..i was expert in loading and running a system...Built in modem....ethernet...and other standard features...the best thing about this model was the price...at 35K...you got the very best...and mind you others are giving the same at 45K...i thought this was a wise decision to make..one more thing..it weighs only 2.95Kg...came with a free-carry case...and a warranty of one year..i had observed one problem the device drivers were not shipped with the laptop..i had to connect to compaq website..download them on my friends computer...then set them up on mine...anyways..the laptop has been working well ever since...not a single crash...no malfunction...no problem with electricals...neither screen nor keys...hey if you load Windows XP SP-1..sure you will be hit by a keyboard problem...the keys like Shift+2 will give instead of @....etc..etc...anyways...i didnt face any major issue...sometimes it gets over heated..may be because of lack of ventillation...when I called the HP guys..they said its because of a new technology wherein the fan works only when the temperature has come to a certain limit...anyways no cribs...i would say its the best buy if you got no more than 35K to spend...i guess its even less nowadays....i recommend this product if you are not into big time gaming...working or running huge programs...etc.etc..anyways I close and all the best..