I have been looking for a credit card myself for a while, and when I was searching on google just now I found this site https://comparecards.in.while the green was a little jarring, the site is really nice. i agree with the previous post that the recommender feature https://comparecards.in/credit-card-guide.html is something.its simple but makes things much easier given the huge number of cards that are now available. I found exactly the credit card I wanted and was able to send in an application as well. it is good to see how the options get narrowed down based on the criteria that you select.i am a general user looking for an airline card with cash back benefits.hence I was able to find the right options and then after going through the details and criteria I applied for the card that suited me the best. I am guesing comparecards.in forwards these applications to the concerned bank so it may take some time, but I am just happy that I know what would be best for me.
while surfing the remaining site I found a good section of articles https://comparecards.in/article_news.php as well which are pretty informative and relevant for India(not the generic stuff that we usually get on the internet or blogs) as well as a glossary section which makes it easy to understand what the different criteria are for each credit card.
one of the more useful and well built sites I have seen in recent times in india.highly recommended.(hopefully they change the green at some point:))