I had been to Competent Gurgaon for my 4th paid service. My car was running 15640 kms. Along with the paid service they offered me engine decarbonizing for 1400 /- and raditor flushing for 650 as optional. The service advisor was asking for yes or no as though I am a mechanical engineer and knows what is this all about. Ideally he should should check and give me an honest advice. Guys, dont go for it unless you are running 30000 km. This is the fact I checked with Maruti Customer care. These service centers just want to make money. I complaint in Maruti, and Maruti was very quick in resonse and the service advisor called me and felt really sorry. I was really impressed with this level of customer focus.
Different service station were costing different amount for the same job. For e.g Vipul motors offered me engine decarbonising for 1200 and radiator flushing for 550. But Vipuls infrastructure is hopeless and there is no place for customers to sit while their car is being serviced. This is really good in competent and they give you the car almost in time. So if you ready to pay more for the comfort they provide, go with Competent. They are also good in their quality and attend you with courtesy. since they have superb infrastructure, they do quality service.
I just want to convey a message that we should do some homework before we give our car for service, because money is going from our pocket and its not a free service.