Competition success Review or CSR is a very good magazine for those who like reading.
Not only for those who are like reading for pleasure but even for those who are preparing for competitive exams. It’s a magazine for those who also want to gain knowledge while reading
CSR starts with editors page in which the editor S K Sachdeva gives some piece of advice which is very inspiring and interesting to read his advice is supplemented by an example of the present or recent past. it aims at mentally preparing the reader to give exams.
Then there are 4 articles which are topics of social, economic and political importance. It is very interesting to read such articles. They help the reader to better understand the concept as it is accompanied by relevant examples and day to day observance. It even help to form an independent opinion which is very necessary in discussions and interviews.
Then there is a section of burning topics of the Indian and world. In this there are the news extracts which covered the month’s headlines. All the matter is given in brief and precise form without compensating quality. It even has all the news which had gone unnoticed by people and news papers.
Then there is a section on scientific development in the world. It contains all the inventions and discoveries made both in national and international world.
Then there is an interview with a successful IAS. Who has secured good rank in civil services exam. Not everyone is interested in reading it but more necessary is their interview experience. There they give their mistakes and success.
Then they publish 2 essays written by prize winners in essay contests.these essay contest are organized by CSR. These essays are good opportunity for budding writers. They even get remuneration for it.
Then there is a series of articles of Indian national movement by Mr K K Bharadwaj who is an eminent author of history books. It has full review of all the Indian national movements. It’s very qualitative material to read. CSR publishes once article per month.
Then there is gandhian thought in which gandhian way of thinking is given over social issues.
Then CSR publishes a model GD (Group Discussion) and PI (Personal interview) which is very interesting to read . it gives a model way in which an discussion should go and how one has to answer and the conduct of an interview.
CSR is a very magazine useful for everyone to read.
CSR is celebrating it’s 40th year of publication. Hence it is offering 50%discount over 2 year and one year subscription.
I would definitely recommend CSR and its sister publication GKT(General knowledge today)to all readers.