The elevator to success is out of order. Youll have to use the stairs... one step at a time.
Success, according to a standard dictionary is defined as ‘the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavours’.It is ever-elusive and is like a mirage which we can only perceive but seemingly never reach. Success is a journey not a destination.The path of success has many obstacles.In other words, it is akin to shinning up a well-oiled pole and reaching the summit….every time you manage to move up by an inch you slip down by two inches. As Truman Capote would say….Failure is the condiment that gives success it’s flavour. Success is not due to a fortuitous concourse of stars at our birth, but to a steady trail of sparks from the grindstone of hard work each day.The accomplished men of today are men of one overmastering idea, one unwavering aim, men of single and intense purpose.
Allright , before any of you start muttering ‘Cut the crap!!”or anything similar….I will get down to the serious job of start reviewing one of my favourite magazines, ‘Competition Success review’.For the uninitiated , CSR is a purely scholastic oracle…so those who crave for gossip, rumours and linkups, sugar , spice and all things nice ..…please look elsewhere for CSR is not maudlin stuff meant for the hedonistic.…. It is more than a mere magazine which can be brushed aside with a scornful glance
CSR is a quintessential ‘students’ magazine which imparts tactics for success in one’s academic career. Strategies are like recipes: choose the right ingredients, mix them in the correct proportions, and you will always produce the same predictable results. Let’s examine the current scenario…..We see students hop from one coaching centre to another in order to outdo their peers.There are also career counselling sessions in order to do a SWOT analysis and determine which path to tread on.One big advantage in today’s academic world is the fact that there are many avenues and a variety of career options to choose from .This can also be considered a disadvantage since it further confuses the already stressed out and befuddled students .
CSR primarily helps one navigate in the vast ocean of education.It is a shining beacon for the career-oriented individuals and a reliable almanac for aspirants. Moving on to the crux of the magazine….the contents are as follows…….
Editorial:-A short one –page long , inspiring writeup by Surendra Kumar Sachdeva….it is generally a fine, insightful essay quoting an examples like Tendulkar, Ronaldinho or some such icon accompanied by a short paragraph elaborating as to how they reached the pinnacle of success.The editorial urges us to emulate such people.
Current issues:- Throws light on some hand-picked topics such as E-governaance, art of communication and Science education. It hones the achiever in you and kindles the spark.It expands on the nitty-gritty of relevant topics and enlightens you to a large extent.
General knowledge:-This section imparts the kernel of general knowledge to the readers in the most appreciable manner.
Be it Indian or international issues, they are presented to the readers in a comprehensive fashion.Economics, scientific development, polity, geography , personalities….you name it…..all have been covered in this fragment.
Personality Plus:-One particular achiever is chosen and his/her success story is discussed in detail.The essence of this section is to motivate youngsters to pursue their goal with conviction.