Complan the nutritional drink. Complan was my regular health tonic for more than 4 years. In the beginning I used to have the original flavor the white one which had a little stinky flavor of medicines, I dont know what was that, later on I tried to enhance the flavor and I tried their new flavor of Kesar Badam which was consumable. I was having it because I wanted to increase my height. In my teenage, I had a short height about 158 cm, so to increase my height I had this health tonic after watching their advertisement on TV. Now, I am a grown up guy and have a height of 171 cm. Alright this was my intro about this product.
Now, the fact which I knew quite later from the internet and watching some videos on it given by some eminent socialists like Sri Rajiv Dixit about these sort of Health Tonics was quite informative and shocking to me. First of all let me tell you about the main ingredient of this Complan, these are made of oilcakes, basically of groundnut. Now what is oilcakes? Oilcakes are the solid dregs of oilseeds after the oil has been extracted from them. These oilseeds are available at the market for Rs. 40 to 50 per kilogram. But Complan are priced at Rs.245 for 500 gram. These company are selling these oilseeds for Rs. 490 per kilogram. And these sort of products are consumed by so called intelligent peoples in which I was one of them and we say that it is value added.
We do not consume Sattu which is full of nutritional value and it will be available to you for just Rs.100-120 per kg in the market. Nutritionist have also found that it has no healthy values in it but still more than Rs. 1000 crore of health tonics are being sold in the market every year.
We have it just for mental satisfaction. My height was increased, although I do not know what was the main reason behind it. Was this height increased for my diet and exercise or this health tonic? No idea about it.
The advertisement which are aired in television of health tonics like these are " I am a Complan Boy, I am a Complan girl", now how can a person be a child(boy/girl) of such packets of Complan, no science can prove that any one can be a son/daughter of a packet of health tonics.