First of all this book definitely does what it claims to do and then much more. The misleading title may make you put it down as superficial and suspect its sincerity. But believe me, it is not an idiotic book. On the other hand it is a superbly written, sometimes even brimming with the nostalgia and pride for Hinduism and its glorious past usually found in some modern Indians. Fortunately the author is not Indian and hence it will be difficult to be put down as another one of those silly and baseless self glorifications. The writing style is very simple, witty and very much like the Dummys series many of us know about. It is nicely organized into chapters covering the history, systems, beliefs, gods, philosophy etc. As many young Hindu readers will agree, most of us know we are Hindus but dont really know much about Hinduism. All we may know are some random stories associated with out scriptures heard from out grandparents, read in comic books or seen on TV. Most of us are totally unaware about the hard core philosophy behind Hinduism. For example, how many of us can claim to know and describe in more than one line the paths to salvation according to Hinduism (They are KarmYoga, BhaktiYoga, JnanaYoga, RajYoga and TantraYoga). Now if you know exactly what each of these means, this book is probably not for you. But if you dont I think you must read this book. Spend 11 dollars (, find out and then if you will, dismiss it all as hogwash. But at least know what you are dismissing. A must for modern Hindu homes with English speaking kids-who can read this book without feeling embarassed. And god-sent primer for anybody interested in knowing about this oldest religion.