Hi friends,
i am gonna tell you about mp3 Pro. The new technology in market.
I am sure u have heard about mp3 cds wich can store upto 130 songs.
But mp3 pro cds have the power to store upto 300 songs in a single Cd.
Yes that is possible!!
A little loss in quality is just u have to bare with.
Mp3 Pro files are more compressed thatn mp3 cause their KBS is little.
KBS means Kilobites per second.Its the size ratio.
These days Audio systems and decks provide playback of mp3 music.
But here in India, mp3pro is not in fashio yet. People are using only Mp3 cds.
Sooner they will be able to get mp3pro Cds to their decks.
But to play mp3Pro cds your deck must be compatible to them.
These cdz can be played on any computer.
U can get mp3 Pro cdds from me as I am the dsitributor of these cds with latest songs.
E mail me