Since times immemorial Indian mythology tells us how fertile our forefathers & foremothers were. Some couples had more 100 children [ deserves Olympic medal ] pre-marraige sex was also in vogue. Our glorious ancient architecture shows us how to do it in ishtyle & poses. But now suddenly we hire Bula Di [ puppet ] get dedicated telephone numbers to limit our libido curb the basic instinct and produce less [ but do I more! ]
It is late already, India looks all set to surpass its neighbour China and become the most populous country in the world shortly. Now, if we can just ignore the ’numero uno’ feeling, then we are hardly left with any reasons to celebrate the overtake.
Poverty line consistently increasing with continuous inflation, the so called ‘high time to take action’ have been left far behind decades ago. We can improve the situation from where it is currently poised today.
I often try to analyze the situation rationally, but it is a tedious task, for it takes hell lot of effort to try to stick to a serious debate on a subject, that has every reason on earth to be taken in a light way. The debate starts promisingly, but loose its grip in the mid way, finally ending up with a total out of context comment or some irrelevant cheapo cheap joke.
Like here we start, ’condoms’; now jus look at the response; smiles - some direct, some hidden, some gosh(es), n some unjustified angry faces; and that’s majorly the way, the scene turns out on the subject, which surely deserves to attract much more sincere consideration than that.
K, lets have yet another go. So Condoms are basically there to serve two major purposes, birth control and pereventing STD(Sexually Transmitted Diseases). Act of love making can turn out fetal, if some day, one comes to know thats either of them has been infected by the other partner, or she’s unmarried n pregnent, or even married but didnt want a new member for the time being. so, thats basically y ppl use that rubber protection, said to be made up of latex or polyurethane.
Condoms comes in various shapes n sizes, including length n breadth. They come in different colors, n they come for both males n females. Male Condoms prevents the Semen to come out in intercourese n Femal Condoms cover herself, thus preventing the reproduction process.
Some points thats needs a consderation while using condems:
One should have them all the time, as its can be needed anytime. It should be kept neatly, with out any folds, as that can damage it, n may result in leakage while utilization.
Its adviced to use Latex made condoms, cause they are more consistent.
Latex condoms should not be used with any other lubricent than Water. The expeiry date should be checked too. Thats v imp.
They should be thrown in bin rather than flushing them away, as the later might cause sewage jam .
Apart from above points, its always good to take care of gentical organs, and try to keep them clean. Thats the most effetive and practical way to prevent infection.
Condoms are even more relevent in some unusual love making act, (oral or anal), as chances of infection in these cases are higher.
So please dont be shy [ dont be shameless also ], dont be hesitent [ dont start it before mutual consent ] and dont be lazy to go out [ buy 1 doz in your closet ], be sensitive, be practical, make some mutual compromises, love is the most beautiful things in this world.
Please ensure that you put on your helmets before you enter the field.