Hey everyone
As everyone knows condom is a sensitive topic because if you use word condom than everyone see you like you are culprit.soo lets discussed about condom.
There are two varities of condom available in to the market first one is for male and second one is for female organ.It is made up of rubber which is soft and enough lubricated for providing you painless enjoyment at the time of intercourse.
male condom is popular it is easily available in your nearby area but female condom is not so popular as male condom the reason behind this is thatthe narrow minded mentallity of sellers that if she buys a condom then she is culprit or have relationship with many guys.shame on you morons you the reason due to which rape occur in our educated environment.
condom have many benifits
It prevent you from HIV diseases
It control unwanted pregnancy
one have no reqirment to use I pill like stuff if she or he wear condom
flavored condom increases intercourse pleasure
foreplay and many more
main think is that if you thinks of small and happy family than condom is for you.if you are seeking for family planing than go for it.condom simply reduces the fear of getting pregnant.
Please everyone use slogan - HUM 2 Hamare 2
after that use condom and prevent your lover form unwanted pregnency.