First of all I would like to clear some mis-conceptions of LPG conversion.
- Fitting Cooking LPG cylinder is not legal and not safe.
This is not what I am going to talk about.
I am going to talk of the safe and legal option.
- LPG conversion means fitting a complete kit which includes gas valves,
a 35 - 53 Litre LPG tank, Gas carbeurator and fuel indicators.
This is legal and RTO authorised.
Conversion Procedure:
- Search for a RTO authorised mechanic in your city who does LPG conversion.
(to ascertain whether he is RTO authroized you verify his certificates.
The certificates are for each car model and its year of manufacture
(e.g he might have authorization for LPG conversion of all Maruti 8 seater
Vans manufactured after 1998 or something)
Give your car to the mechanic along with all the papers, PUC certificate etc.
The actual conversion will take a day.
The mechanic will handle all the paper work of getting an RTO approval
for the kit.
RTO procedures
- You will get your car back in a day. However you wont get back the
original papers for atleast 2-3 weeks. So remember to take a RTO signed
receipt from the mechanic that the papers are with RTO.
A copper plate will be fitted in your car with the LPG kit number and all
Your registration papers will be updated to show that the car has an LPG
kit attached.
The cost of the kit at present(Aug 2003) is approximately Rs 20, 000/-
The kit is completely safe. It has anit reverse-flow valve,
specially manufactured tank, pressure gauges and fuel indicators.
LPG is 1/2 the price of petrol - so very very economical
This one is more important - you might have experienced knocking when u
fill bad quality petrol on highways - however LPG cannot be adultarated,
so the car infact runs more smoothly(personal experience)
- Tank capacity is 42 Litres of LPG so say in a maruti 8 seater u can
easily cover a nice trip of about 500 kilometers.
- LPG stations are available in pune(4 till now), mumbai(countless),
delhi and at many other places also.
Fitting it in MPFI cars is a bit difficult.
U loose the boot space in ur cars as the tank is sitting out there now.
If you are a second-hand car enthusiast, then buy a second hand
maruti 1000 / esteem(with carbeurator), convert it to LPG and enjoy
comfort+ economy.
In a maruti 1000 / esteem the tank fits snugly inside the boot compartment leaving a lot of free space for luggage. I have a maruti 8 seater van converted to LPG and really enjoying the benefits:-)