This is arguably the most pathetic movie of Varun Dhawan and he have done some pretty bad movies now.
Plot- Plot is nothing new only the story is based in Thailand thats all. Rest everything is copied and pasted by Dabid Dhawan. Plot not at all justify the time in which the movie is based on.
Performance- The well decorated cast had nothing to do. Even Paresh Rawal had failed to make public laugh. Rajpal Yadavs talent was wasted, so was Javed Jafferys, Sara Ali had nothing much to do except dancing and kissing so you cant judge her acting at all. And above all Varun Dhawan must take some time off from acting and think what kind of actor he want to be. Varun have given some good performances in Badlapur and October but thats all.
Music- Only the title track is good and that too is a remix. Only good thing about the song was that they used the original voice they just added beats to it. Rest background and all was also very average.
Cinematography- David Dhawan should wake up now and realise that this is not 90s Bollywood must evolve now. This kind of cinematography looked good back then but using those sets and some cheap CGI effects are not going to do the trick now.
Verdict- Overall this kind of movies should not be watched all together so that Bollywood could somehow realize that its finally time to make something better. A lot of advertisement and marketing is being done with the meme pages too who are praising the movie for god knows what reason movie is available on Amazon prime but if anyone is planning to buy subscription only for this movie please spend your money and time on some other productive activity.