Dont take ANY opinion till you update the phone . Once updated the Display, network, Heat and mosf importantly camera related issues will fade off .
Camera - 4/5 you wont need youcam retrica or any App, the default camera is excellent with all features loaded.
Connectivity - The Network Availability is Pathetic .Airtel, idea, Reliance, vodafone none of them show good signal on the phone, Making this phone non viable for purchase .
Features - custom Rom runs super smooth and fast with 24 apps running at the same time
Additionally the custom rom has veryy nice shortcut widgets one can add regularly aps shortcuts to .
Battery lasted more than a day after the update on moderate use of camera n apps with internet and games
Tested the sound - works great with Any App
CON - Does not have an inbuilt feature to Block calls and messages which is the most basic feature thatcame even with old Android phones.