Friends, keeping aside all the stunning features of the Phone CoolPad Note 3 which are cool on the paper and the performance is also at an agreeable level.
I personally feel we can use this not only for making a calls and using this as a smart phone but can prepare Chapati Or an egg omelette.
Such a huge heating issue with it. every movement I observed this
While Charging
While Playing Smallest Games
While Browsing
While on Calls
What else, even when I keep it in my jeans pocket I can feel the heat of the device to my thai or at my back
Other than this, I can say the performance, photos and other stuff of a regular phone are quite good with this device.
But who want to go when a name suggests Cool but gives a fire. rather there are many other brands in market with in same price range like, Xiaomi, Meize, Letv, Lenovo and even Motorola.