I had been a frequently visitor to Corner House located in Marathalli, Bangalore but I had such a bad experience last time that I would never want to visit that place again. Apparently the management has changed there and the new management is so inhospitable that I dont want to visit there ever again. They spoke so rudely to me and to another customer who placed the order just before I did that I asked myself "Are we so desperate to visit here that we are ready to bear his rude behavior. " I agree that the quality of food offered here is really good but customer service is also very important.
So we placed the same order (2 chocolate sauce along with the 1 chocolate ice-cream) in the counter as we always do but this time we were told that for any additional chocolate sauce, we should purchase extra ice-cream. We were not trying to get anything for free and we were ready to pay for what we wanted to order but they told us that if we want to get extra chocolate sauce, we need to buy more stuff. This is really crazy. If I just want to buy chocolate sauce along with the icecream, what is the sense in them forcing us to increase the order. I asked them for the manager and they said they were the authorities. They even started rudely hinting us to place the order or leave.
Although I am still a fan of the food that they offer, I would never want to visit there again as their service and rude behaviour is too much to accept.