Okay so if my dad reads this he will kill me. I am not supposed to be drinking beer at all! Dad I am 26 though. Anyway jokes apart. The truth is that one fine evening, I was forced to accompany my girl friend to a local pub. Its not like I have anything against pubs or girlfriends for that matter, it was just that I was in laze mode. So after some coersion (read "You never take me out!"), I decided to get ready and hit the pub. The moment I was there I hit the bar. It was 8 in the evening and the pub was pretty much empty. My girl friend was (is? very difficult when you talk about exs) a vodka drinker. So she order a peg of Absolut on the rocks (damn that was expensive!), and I decided to get some beer. And the beer I choose was Corona, I remember hearing a lot about it from my British boss, and I was also told by him that it was Mexican beer, all said and done I decided to have a go at corona. I read the label carefully and figured that it had around 6% alcohol w/v. So pretty light stuff, however I am still a little confused as to what category of beer it belongs to. Pilsner? Draught? or Lager. I guess it was rather light like a Pilsner but anyway that is a point still moot. The beer was smooth and had a delicious flavour. It has a really easy way of making into your stomach, the bar tender had popped in a lemon as well so the flavour was even more exaggerated. A couple of sips later I was ready to go at it again. Being of rather stocky built. it does take more than 5 or 6 bottles of beer to get me tipsy. In Coronas case I only got to 4 bottles, I was driving home and did not want to risk it. However I can say this, I find it difficult to get a hangover after even 6 bottles of corona. Coupled with the fact that I was downing pints it would probably take more than 4 to get anyone tipsy. I am a huge Beer fan and make it a point to know as much as I can about the beer I drink. So far I have tasted almost all the Indian Brands and I know for a fact there are thousands of overseas brands. But I find Corona one of the mellowest and the smoothest of the lot. The taste is nice but I feel when it comes to taste nothing can quite beat Oranjeboom. Well unfortunately since Corona is an import liquor its very expensive a pint cost me Rs.220, for that price I can get 7 bottles of Kingfisher beer and I think the Indian government should try and give foriegn liquor a chance because there is no way one can afford a 220 rupee bottle of beer on a regular basis (girl friend or no girl friend). Oh and before I sign off, my girl friend did get quite high on the Absolut. ;-)