Corona lemon or Corona extra with a slice of lemon is delicious. The slightly sour taste entices sip after sip, and is a great accompaniment to a good meal. Moderately carbonated, light/ almost yellowish in color. Goes down smooth. Its a beer that doesnt give you a bloated feeling. Has an aroma very distinctive to it.
The brand is pinted on the glass/ no labels. I like the pints and have a collection of them.Is stocked by wine shops in south bombay & in high end pubs. Pints are what Ive seen in India & you can get a six pack if you buy it from a wine shop.
1 pint doesnt really produce any buzz, but down a 6 pack and you feel something. Great beverage to enjoy at home while a watching a movie.One of the beers that exceeds its reputation.Stock up and enjoy drinking!