Why? Why did I go to the movie? At times, believing in gut feeling makes you run into troubles. I had made it habit to consciously avoid Hindi Cinema. Yet, this time, I defied my conscious. Boo-Hoo! What a movie!
Review comments about the film like Eye Opener, Unleashing Reality and Truth are truly funny. My take: Not Even worth a Bottle Opener.
Frankly speaking, I would like to quote one of my co-sufferer, about the essence of the film: Young damsels are whore, the older variety are pimp and all men lecher. What the hell! I reckon, the movie wanted to paint the picture that doing business means only two things- earning profit unethically (only) and molesting the fairer collegues!
What else? Corporate Espionage. Very well. It rocks. Its done everywhere. Even in schools, for the petty science projects. But thats for taking a cue of their future plans so that you get a lead. No one on the earth just steals the idea that blatantly. She copied (Oh Gawd! their was a Flash animation running on the screen to show the meager copy) not only the plan but also placed order to the same vendors the rivals had done! Didnt her Management School teach her even that?
There is more to it. A VP is elbowed out, just like that. A big Window, Nudged, and thats it! Oh God!
The protagonist, Ms. Dasgupta, leads the way during the first half. Dashing apparel, appealling attitude, techno-savvy corporate and to complement that, a nothing but unethical-only work style. She potrays an image of an gorgeous babe who cant handle the emotional pressures of life and is quick at arrving conclusions, whether personal or corporate; Divorce in 6 months, use of prostitute in a sex espionage to grab the next big idea at any cost, blind signature on documents accepting all allegations to save the company (or the broke fiancee?). In the end, she is a helpless mother. No one is ready to rescue her. Where are the contacts and collegues who made her rise to the apex? Yaar, be a tad logical.
Yes, political clout and corruption exists. Its an essential part of democracy. Unaviodable. In fact, thats the reason why an erstwhile Fuel Pump Vendor rose to be the Businees Moghul of Indian Private Sector. It has been depicted well. Kudos for that.
Only positive thing I noticed was SGi group CEOs stand: When Profiteering becomes Obsession, Im not in. Thats like a seasoned and shrewed businessman. Thinking long-term by agreeing to digest immediate setback. Its always better to take sabbatical than allowing sabotaging the image and consequently, career. Appreciable.
All that Glitters is not Gold, this is what Mr. Bhandarkar wanted to convey. Spirit is appreciable. So is the effort to bring in a mew topic to the Hindi Cinema, over an above the Love Polygon thing. Unfortunately, however, he has miscommunicated it as, All that Glitters is nothing, but Litter. Decisions in Corporate circles are not taken on emotional grounds. The idea is allowed to sink in deep inside the brain. Yes, profit is the bottomline but, not the only bottomline. Sound planning - indegeneous one - forms the basis of Success Pyramid.
Corporate Life is no Red Carpet. Its taxing, relentless and unforgiving. It doesnt have space for emotions. Ethics are compromised for profits and advantages. I agree. However, there is a limit to it. Had it been the movie way, none of the industrialised nations would have witness the growth. Corporate Prowess exists. Rest Assured, especially, the greenhorn MBA gards.