It was a lovely friday evening, managed to get out of office early too ! So what next ??? Well.. a movie sounded good... and we were waiting to see Corporate from quite some time [The promos were promising]... managed to reach the Innovative multiplex just in time to grab the last few tickets for the 10.00pm show. [Tickets got sold out by around 8 pm]
Had a leisurely dinner and reached the theatre on the dot... and we were expecting to be transported into the world of paisa , power & politics... instead we were transported into the world of drink , sleep around and act stupid !
The movie starts off with a narration of the back drop about Marwah group and Sehgal group etc. Come on ! Many of us work in the corporate sector.. with MNCs and Indian companies and most of the plots in the movie are ridiculous.
I will not go on about the storyline of the movie.. there are other reviews on this site which have almost the entire story... or whatever is there in the movie...
Bips looks good... Kry Kry [KK] does nothing in the movie but guzzle booze, smoke like a chimney and generally look like a loser. Minishha Lamba looks old !!! [Bags under her eyes and stuff...] and god knows why she is there in the movie... especially since she does not have anything useful to do. There is a guy who is apparently trying to hit on Minissha.. why is he there ?
Well, end of the day we felt Phir Hera Pheri would have been a better deal then this Horrorporate...
Madhur generally has a good idea, but the script, editing and cinematography are a let down...
Bottom line : Unless you have absolutely nothing better to do in life... avoid this movie.. just get it on a rented VCD and watch it on a lazy afternoon... if you dont watch it.. nothing lost.