Okay before I begin, this review has to be more with my experience with the Subscription of Cosmopolitan, rather than specifically with the contents of this magazine. Why have I this feeling, that probably by the time this review goes online - I will have Die Hard Cosmo fans baying for my blood????
So exactly two years back here I was looking for a THOUGHTFUL Bday present for my wife (that is 1 difficult job believe me) I checked out various ideas, and finally decided on giving my wife a 2 year subscription on her favorite magazine in the whole world. Promptly logged onto https://india-today.com (Living media has this magazine in their portfolio in India), filled up the online form and in a matter of minutes managed to order the subscription for my lovely wifey.
Make no mistake.....I filled in her name as the Subscriber, and my name as the one giving the gift - wifey dearest for emotional reasons, still has the printout of the online form I gave to her on her Bday. Anyway we recd the first issue in November - and you can imagine my surprise when the cover mentions my name as the subscriber.
Just imagine my complete honor at stake - what if someone finds that I subscribe to a womens magazine - believe me I would be shattered. Made numerous complaints with Living Media for changing the name of the subscriber, what I got in return was a free Tutorial of How Even Private Enterprises manage to work as Government Departments in India? Despite continuous effort I was destined to remain probably the first MALE subscriber of Cosmo in India.
With help from Wifey Dearest, I managed to come over the tragedy - she didnt mind even if I was as the registered subscriber of Cosmo - I gave up and resigned myself to the fact that this was my destiny - this was Gods will. If you are feeling sorry for me.....dont - this is just the beginning.
The actual ordeal started now, every other month the issue failed to turn up - for the months we did receive the magazine the usual date of arrival was around the 20th of every month. Cant explain wifeys heartburn every time we visited a Book Shop and she would see the issue on Stands - but had to wait for her issue.
On months the magazine didnt arrive I wrote dutifully to wecare@intoday.com. The response was always sugary - I am afraid if I continue writing to them and receiving their response I will turn diabetic. The response was always so sweet, even though they never addressed the real issue - like a fool coated in sugar I could never lost my head.
Have always failed to understand why these call centre and Customer Centre types dont use their heads? why do they always try to sound sweet? On second thoughts dont really blame them, they are only as good as the management wants them to be.
Now the situation is that we have yet not recd the August issue, so we can safely assume that the September issue is not even on the horizon. I have written to them on at least 4 occasions in the past 15 days, but after asking for my details they have failed to respond to my repeated emails. I am not giving up this time around even if they give me a bath in Sugar Syrup.
I wont even bother to comment about the contents for 2 reasons:
1) I dont want to upset wifey Dearest.
2) I dont have the strength (Especially since I am saving all my strength for the slug fest with the subscription department)
All the ladies out there, do whatever you need to do - dont you subscribe to Cosmo or for that matter any other magazine from Living Media.