Mr. Saxena, I understand your grievance as I was part of it for 5 years and had forgotten Country CLub and their so called holiday division Country Vacations. they have lured me, my wife and my kids after inviting at amrutha castle in hyderabad. they took away Rs. 1, 45, 000.00 from me on the same day and did not even bother to pick my call after that.
When I have been there, they mis behaved with me. then I was asked to pay another Rs. 45000.00 to get my membership activated and for a plot that never got registered and I was cheated again.
In 2006, I heard of a company that can help me. it is a Holiday Company and the name is Four Seasons Holidays. they had been helping me in getting my money back in the form of Rents. I am getting my holiday weeks that I purchased from Country Club aka Country Vacations rented and am recieving money on its behalf.
I recieved Rs. 7500 for 2 days stay at Amrutha Castle and Rs. 18000.00 for a weeks holiday at goa that I let Four Seasons Holidays use on my behalf.
if some wants to use this to get thier problems solved they can. they can be contacted at 040-66368979. Mr. Ahmed and Mr. Firasat are the people helping me.
I hope we all (victims of Country /club) get relieved by their Dishonesty. Thank you.