I bougth bare basic membership @ 15000.
then upgraded it with 5000
never went to their club on my own card. just attended my companys annual parties thrown at their clubs.
I feel I am trapped as I never wanted such shady membership .
now they ask for 1500 annual tax or something everytime.
no one from CC cared to call me for saying anything good/new abt their clubs.
only thing they call u is for your money or to sell u another membership.
i think the mgmt of CC is such a shady one. they r greedy to grab ur money thats it.
they dont have any interest to better customer experience.
ok and you know what .? in the meantime from 2005 sept.
their stock price zoomed from 25 to 500, now it is at 300.
i only regret if I wud have bought its stock for 20000, instead of membership.
i wud be writing a happy msg here.:)
but stock rose solely on back of "his" plans to expand "his" club further and further.
with poor guys money like us.