Please Dont trust Country Vacation / country Club member ship offered by any one. I am one of the victim cheated by the country club marketing person recently ( On 9th June 2007) at Amrutha Castle (Hyderabad).
First We got a call that we won in lottery and asked to collect the gifts at Amrutha castle. So I went to Amrutha Castle - Hyderabad on Saturday ( 9th June). There after verifying my phone number, They told that I have to attend a 90 minutes presentation. In the presentation the marketing person started the discussion. Basically in the discussion they will gather the information about our financial status and any credit cards we have. Then they will start telling about there product Country Vacation. If we take the member ship by paying Rs 60000 ( Sixty) they will offer
- Life Time Membership to all the Country Clubs in India for FREE.
Dont feel happy that you are getting a free membership. you have to pay 2000 Rs, every year just
as administration charges. Beside every thing is chargeble inside the club. But the marketing person will not reveal these things
14 days (2 weeks) Free accomadation at 25 resorts of Country Club in a year and 5 resorts out side india (Sri lanka, Bali. But actually this is only for 7 days and also u cant not avail whenever u want, only in offseason u can avail. If you book 7 days in advance they will give another 7 days as bonus Subject to availability And also you have to pay Rs. 3000 as maitainence charges every year. There resorts are given 3 star rating, but they tell you 5 star rating they have. In that only accomadation Free, The bill amount for dinner/lunch for day for a couple costs Rs. 1000. If you think you can stay there can eat outside. No choice , there resorts are located where surrounding 30-100KM, you wont find anything to eat.
They will tell that we can sell/rent if we can not utilize the above said days of accomadation to the
others for which they will provide third party agents.
But never you will get money, they will take authorization from you. And will not give money ,
clamining, your slots was not booked by anybody.
4. Using City Bank, ICICI Credi cards one can pay in 24 EMIs. with 0% interest.
This absolutely wrong you will charged with 2% interest for which they will tell finance charges.
and also first month u will get 1/3 rd of the amount as u r first EMI. These things you will know
only after your statments comes. At that time neither Bank nor country club will not give proper
Apart from this they offered me a Free goa trip with accomadation for 3 nights with up & down
flight tickets. This is big false promise from them. Because after paying the amount, if you call to
there customer care to claim the flight tickets , they will tell that , they dont have any such offer from
country club. If we try to contact the marketing person they wont recieve the call from you. Next after few days the number will not work forever.
After taking membership, If we contact the customer care for the services whatever promised by the
Sales persons, the customer care employee will tell that They will do only accomadation Booking
they dont know anything apart from the bookings. So Once taking membership, you have to forget
about your money and keep quiet.
This is continuous process for them, The basic foundation for the club is cheating the people and encashing the weakness of the people. Even I informed about this fraud to media, but they are not showing any interest. May be country club is maitaining media people not to publish? So I am searching all the ways to create an awarness about this fraud, at least the other people may save there valuable money.
Just I will give simple calculation
( Which I did nt done before joining otherwise I would have saved Rs, 60000 and time to write this review)
Rs 60000 u r paying for 5 years vacation only accomadtion free. plus every year Rs. 3000
Total 75000/-
if u deposit this amount any where in the market you will get Rs 10000 to Rs 15000 returns as bonus and wit that money you can enjoy a trip to new place every year with all expenditure inclusive.
and your 75000/ will be with you only.
So my request to all the people ( Who earned the money honestly ) especially Software Engineers, dont fall in to the trap of Country Club/ Country Vacation Marketing Person. If you get a call from them claiming for your gife. Just go there and collect the gift, Tell them that you are unemployed and dont have Credit Cards. If you have any credit cards, Just leave the cards at home and go to the amrutha castle and collect the gifts. They are giving 6 Glass set with 2 bowls which cost around 100-150 Rs in China bazar. + one week free stay at Kovalam + one day privelage visit to country club. U can avail this , but dont fall in to the trap. Please Please Please Please Please Please
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please
IF you wont trust whatever I said above. Just ask them all the offers they are giving in witten statement, Then only you pay to them. There u can find how they are cheating the people.