Receive a call from Mr. Prasad, again today to get all my queies to clear, I said to him please give me time till next friday, because I am in meetings - and he agreed for this, hope my problems are resolving stage - so please all countriy mebers please call Mr.Prasad and resolved your issues. I hope we are all frustrated till yesterday now we got good days who is there to takecare of our problems, which has done by marketing executive of Country club - so my dear frineds we need to come forward and shake a hand with country club,
I am not a employee or any relative of country club - I called this club as COUN TARY club (I hope everyone understand Hindi) - usually - if u want to check u can call to mr. suresh or lakshmi from bangalore - branch -
I received log of emails from country club feedback and personally from MR. Prasad, so I hope for all members what ever we have the queiries - it will resolve by his honest employees