Hahahaa. Yep its was good the appearance and ambiance was quite good, actually I was here to talk about the coupon given by the staff at country club. I have received a 10-15 calls by the team there that I have received a Lucky draw that I have got 20000 worth shopping coupons and 10000 worth of some house hold appliances. I was just wondering that why they will give me free. I thought to go there and see whats the thing they had taken the details of mine and the class had started, they started survey of my life. Where I have went, how much I have spent, how many days I was there, my family details and etc etc. They said it will be for 1hr but all the stuff goes on for 2hrs.my god then at last they had explained all the offers they provide and given a price to pay. And they said that today is the last day and they have to decide immediately and have to pay booking amount of 5000/- fir blocking the offer. They had given quite good offers and it was good to customers too. I have frankly said "No" to take the membership. And they had given some coupons free that is food worth 1000/- in any of the hotels, one night of stay in there hotel, and one week holiday for staying in there hotels, butterms and conditionapply.i would love to join the membership given by country club once I have handsome money in my hands. Keep going country club.