It is not just Country Club, there are many such Holiday sellers… one of them is Club Resorto Hospitality Ltd, operating from Gurgaon. The web site is
They also send sms stating you are Invited for a dinner FREE for a couple Today at 7pm at Hotel xxxx, Name of city. by Club Resorto Grab your Entry Pass Call 9210170133.
Once you accept & visit them they sure will ensure they agree for whatever you ask for & get your signature on the T&C document & get you swipe your credit card for some amount.
Then you are stuck as they will not refund the money what you paid ….Instead they will send mail stating We have received Rs.xx, xxx/- by credit card and balance Rs. Yy, yyy/- to be paid. Now the amount is going to be much higher than that of what is agreed orally during the presentation.
Better be careful. Beware and do not fall prey to these high pressure selling tactics….