Its a smart App developed by finance professionals, to trick gullible customers with average intelligence like us into spending money & loading wallets , on aggressive deals marketed as VIP, which finally end up with disappointment. The customer support team is also developed to support the management only & absolutely hopeless for resolving any disputed transaction.
After signing up for the App, did a few transactions but ended up loosing money. A clear indication that its a fraudulent company, can be seen when they dont show the billing amount when order is created but charge higher amount after product is delivered & wallet gets debited. By highlighting abt VIP status, offering higher discount, they simply ask for higher loading of wallet everytime.
My todays Order experience - ordered Desi Ghee 900 GMs, 40% off price to me as VIP ( status acquired by loading wallet last night itself as asked for) Rs 539/-... Further 15% off shown on screen, with price dropping further to about Rs. 464... Order was created... Happily loaded wallet further as requested... Product delivered.... Happily accepted, believing that its being processed at indicated price Rs 464/-... But was shocked to see wallet debited by Rs 672/-. Customer Support guy explained the matter nicely to cover up by telling how I wasnt aware of working of the App...
Its a smart plot of witty IIM Alumni ... But such marketing gimmicks are short lived.
The only way to experience Delight is to delete this app & stay away.