Purchased membership of 1, 75, 000 for 10 yrs so that I ll be tension free to book hotels & resorts. Turned out to be my WORST DECISION AND A NIGHTMARE. Customercare themseves stated outrightly that promises made by sales team to sell membership are false and we are not oblige to honor it. They promise 5 star accomodations and till date I m yet to recieve a mail which states that 5 star resort or property is available bcoz THERE ISNT ANY. There is a provision of REFUND if a customer is not satisfied but when I WANT REFUND NOW, there simply aint any policy. They told that you can book any number of rooms for yourself and ur family but they ask for tarrif for second room in excess of MRP WHEN U ASK THEM. Cust care will put ur cal on hold and disconnect it . They will never cal you back. It takes weeks of regular Email correspondence in order to book one 2 STAR hotel also.
MY ADVICE: DONT BELIVE ANYTHING THEY SAY, ITS A FRAUD COMPANY. THEY LL CHARGE YOU OUTRAGEOUSLY AND WILL PROMISE YOU LUXURY HOTELS BUT IN REALITY YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BOOK A DECENT HOTEL EVEN WHEN THERE IS AVAILABILTY. Their Terms and conditions change as per their will and they dont take any responsibilty for it . they will offer you deals for Bali/Singapore / Goa/Kerala and when you ll try to book they ll say ur offer has expired even when on paper there is no expiry date mentioned .
I HAVE ALL THE PROOFS AND EVEN RECORDINGS WITH CUSTOMER CARE. FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME -7807081018. I am pursuing legal case for refund of my money. Any help for combining complaints in most welcome .