TWO Lakh Rupees, Your own hard earned money, one day a fraudster comes and takes it away, and you just sit and do nothing about it.. Just not happening. At least in our case.
The Country Vacations bhooth hunted our minds too, they called us, showed a beautiful heaven in our hands, the same exact story of many of our victim friends who have posted their misery in MouthShut_Official. It was a carbon copy, word to word same story. No need to repeat it at all. These guys were all dressed up neat with a proper formal dress code talking good English. The time they figured out that we were interested in getting the member ship, they followed us like devils till they snatch 2 Lakhs from us. It was a Saturday afternoon when these guys came home all prepared with a Credit card swiping machine to sign the papers. They did not even let us have our lunch peacefully since one of the guy was saying the offer is only for the day and he has to process the documents before evening.
Every time I cross check with MouthShut_Official before I buy anything, Even on that day when these well dressed thieves were at our home to collect the money, I tried checking the reviews on my tablet pc, to my bad luck the WI FI did not work and I could not get a clear picture of what these guys are up to. I would have bolted these guys then and there If I would have got a chance to look in to reviews of MouthShut_Official at that time. Unfortunately we ended up paying 2 Lakhs. 1.2L via an account payable cheque (that fellow demanded to write a self check, but we did not do so) and 80k via credit card.
We were all happy and exited for the membership we purchased and every one was planning a holiday on the back of their head. Our happiness lasted only till I checked the reviews on MouthShut_Official on the next Monday. We immediately decided to get rid of this and get our money back. We knew that it will not be like a piece of cake to get our 2 lakhs back, but we have to try out every thing. After all its our money. Because of our timely action and hard efforts we were able to get our complete money back in 6 days. Here is what we did, and here is what I recommend every victim to do to get your money back.
We went to the bank even before the bank opened on Tuesday and asked them to stop the cheque payment. We were lucky there because in another 30 minutes, the cheque would have got cleared. so 1.2 Lakh saved. Phewww !! We went to the Country vacations office and requested them to NOT to process our membership and return our money as we are not interested to continue this membership. We received blunt answers from the officers there. One of them who was the cunning one told... " Sir, its really easy, you want refund, we will give you refund, no issues there but, but, you have to wait till 2 years to get your refund, or there is another option, we will give you refund immediately, but we will give you 20% only and we will keep 80%. Its the company policy. So tell me sir, which option you would like to go for. "
I felt like blasting that guys nose in pieces, but some how calmed down and request again to refund. But they never listened to us and continued defending them with all policy talks. We left from there, came home and planned another method.
We called some of our Heavy weight, ruf and tuf friends who exactly know how to deal with these morons in their own language. So we all went to their office again in the evening and created a real big scene there. We shooed away some of the bakras they had caught that evening, we threatened them to give back our every single rupee other wise we will get police here and make sure this thing gets on the local news. The manager guy who was acting very clever and smart earlier was literally shivering and panicked big time. He wrote a letter saying that he will refund our money the next day in cash. So we left from there believing this timid jerk.
Next day, we came to the office again to collect our money, to our surprise no body was there in the office. One of the reception guy told us to go to the head office to settle the matter. We got fumed again and called the same heavy weight friends.
Again. We all went to the Head office and same DRAMA repeated again...Finally some customer engagement manager (bullS*&@!) wrote us another letter saying that he will refund the remaining 80k in a weeks time as these bhikaaris has no cash in their office. We agreed to this.
There was another day left for a week to complete, we received several calls from that senior manager guy saying.. "Sir.. Sir... your DD for 80k is ready, pls pls pls come and collect...." We got our money back... you can too.. dont talk to this guys by yourself if your money is stuck.. take the help of Police.. inform this to the news channels... these guys are nothing in front of our local Police dept and Law. The are really scared of Media. Drag them to media.. if you have connections in police or media, .... use them.