Me and my husband got a call that we won a price and should come pick it up. They kept calling us till we finally decided to meet them. On going to the meeting, they enticed us to go for the 1 lac 35 memebership for 30 years for country vacations! they said make decision right away!! and told us to give membership 4000 rupess every year. also one gram of gold free. free airlines tickets! thank god we only gave them 25, 000. we were almost going to give them our credit card but I am so glad we did not. now I told them I want my money back and they are saying no. I called them one hour after leaving there building but suposedly the money has gone away! we paid cash and have no proof now. however they made us sign a contract whcih says we have paid. i guess I have to approach the courts. I feel so stupid being an american-indian and falling for somthing so stupid! do not go for any free gift for 7 days free in 5 star hotel...all there resorts are two stars or three. resorts in POOR shape. save your money. if I ever go on a trip wchih I dont think I will. I will update.