this is sameer malik I am a member of a country vacations I joined in the month of january. before joining the country vacation I logon to mouthshut I found so many complaints about registration of plots & services but still I paid Rs. 2, 25, 000/- for next lifetime holidays with two plots at hindupur and country club life time membership and 2 nights 3 days complementry holiday in thier spa with food.
they promise me plots registration will be done in 90 workings days.
in the of march I booked the holiday for bhimtal
i got the booking for bhimtal I am surprised about they service because I read bad reviews about there service in mouthshut I inform them about my holiday to reservation of country vacations 72 hours before.
this is our first holiday with country vacations to bhimtal resort is magnificent. we forget all worries of our regular life and enjoyed at natures lap of bhimtal. the resort was good with greenery all around. the food & hospitality is very good.
after coming back from my holiday my plots got registred I paid registration & developement charges Rs.35000/-
again I am planning my vacations for dubai
i find the good service. country vacations holiday memberhip is value for money