I got my money back.
After chasing behind them for long time. I got my full money back.
People fear to go to police station, But go to save thousands of brothers and sisters who are going to get into this trap.
You need to do the following things
If it is your home town , after intimating the police station go with a group of 10 peoples and sit in front of their office with sign boards saying “Be careful of any vacation membership” don’t write their names any where on boards and give narye to spoil their business.(Do this everyday till you do not receive your money back). They will ask you to come in one month take this in written on their letterhead with stamp.
Don’t go to police chowky , directly go to police station and meet the senior most inspector.(Senior PI). ( Imp.Note: While going to police station go with you wife, don’t go alone, Same theory which they have applied
Directly register a complaint against the CV. Put names of all the people who were involved in your case right from telemarketing, sales, customercare , senior manager.(If police are with them they will not entertain you.if this is the case go to their senior)
Publish the whole story in news paper and ask people not to fall prey. ( Even if it take some money for you to publish no matter , think as if you have done some social work towards nation.)
Go to their office , Sit until your problem is not resolved. They will keep on saying your work is in progress and it will take some time. Ask them to give it in written on letterhead , (they wont give saying, they are not authorized to do so). Ask customer care to reply to your mail , asking them to tell the status and the exact date .
You will come to know if someone other like you has also come to take the money back if he or she is alone.
Ask people without hesitate if they have any problem with CV if they are alone.
Take their mob. No. and try to form group of such people and go to police station in group.