The worest company with the highest no of consumer complaint records(just google it you will find on yourself)..i dont understand why in our country companies like this are still going on with out any hindrence . has it been any other foriegn country like US or UK they would have cancelled the registration of the company by now and hanged the management for cheating the ppl with millions and millions of money. it is one of the another underlying scam that is cheating public so openly. inspite of having so many consumer complaints I dont understand why govt is not taking any action on companies like this?this is shere example of MODERN INDIA . This person who ever owns must be feeding the officials so well that they got blind to check into the complaints of the public.
Coming to my case, we got a call from one of their fraud team saying that we won the lucky draw. They got our name when we filled a coupon in reliance fresh stores( I hope they are not part of their franchising..if so shame on them to cheat ppl on which they depend daily) . After several insistings we had to go there only to make our mind dumber. We are given 3hrs boring lecture in which they told all lies( later I found each of them have so many clauses) we paid 85000 and on top of it they said 6000 per annum we need to pay as maintanence amount. They made us to sign the papers .. they swiped all our cards including debit and credit. on top of 85, 000 we paid, we have to pay 6000 (maintanence they said ..i dont knw for what???) again every year. I was told they have 96 places in india but in the actual site they have only 16 places in the whole india that too 3 in one city like hyd, bangalore like that. But all the main tourist places like tirupathi, delhi, mumbai, ooty, Shimla, shirdi are tied ups which we have to pay extra 1000 per day . so that comes 85, 000 + 6000 every year + 1000 *no of days we have spent. I wish I take a taj package or I would have got Grand Hyatt Hotel room for my stay with this cost . and the least we expect is cheap gimmicks like slots not available all the time around the year just to make sure your package expire in the year(this complaint I heard from many while I am browsing for these frauds). Only few lucky get the slots that too 3-4 months before that too hardly I suppose.
we depend on our salaries. every penny is valuable to my family. we thought we can give a good vacation to our family but never thought we will be cheated by them like this. I am shameful of myself as being so educated we are cheated by morons like them. PPL who dealt our case are Kiran and Preety with mobile nos 8806811177, 9823124494.Both are ofcourse (Just to caution you more just in case if you are from pune). Apart from the money its about how an organization so openly is allowed to cheat the ppl giving open advertisement. Are we such foolish to accept the faults in the system? now a days with the usage of technolgy however easy the frauds can happen it is more easier to eradicate them .Pls be smart and don’t fall prey in to the traps of these cheaters like country vacations. pls dont cheat innocent middle class for your luxuries...i hope RAJEEV REDDY is listening this.