This is my first day after signing the contract with CV and I feel that I am cheated. After signing contract when I came back home , I got relized that it was a trap.
I filled some coupn in Big bazar. Next day I gort call from Person named Bhagwan that I was selected for they free gift and for that I need to attend their 90 minutes session. I went to their office at Bundgarden with my wife. They explained me about their benefits and all. Basically they are trying to convincing us. Atthe end I got convinced but my wife not. I asked that I want to talk to my wife for 10 minutes. But in every 2-3 minutes their sales represetative was coming in between and my wife gave up. We signed the contract and came back home. when I read the contract carefully in the night I got realized they have cheated us.
The language of their presentation does not match with language of contract.
Also they offered me the membership in 125k. I paid 75k using my debit and credit card. After htat their senior came and told me If I will pay 25K now they will waive the remaing 25k. and for that He need to take permission from his superior. But As soon as he leave my desk another agent came and said it is approved.(So this was pre planned)
Today when I search for the reviews for CV, I am feeligng I lost my hard earned money. I found that it was a total fraud company. Now I want my money back.
Please join me to take us our monry back. If any one some suggestion pleas elet me know. We can unite and fight against them.