In the month of april I had gone to Malaysia/Singapore for my honeymoon
through cox and kings. when I landed Malaysia I was shocked to find tht
there was no pick up for me. when I called the tour operator he
said I was late in coming out so the car dint wait and left already.
friends going international holiday normally it takes coming out cos of
custom checks visa baggage etc. ok no problem then the tour operator
said the next car will come in approx 4-5 hours since I shouted on them
he confirmed tht ok sir plz hire a taxi and take the receipt and we
will pay you the money. when I reached the hotel they refused to pay me
the money saying the itinerary sent by cox and kings was wrong and
totally different to which I rec from cox and kings in Mumbai. My
package was 10 days and the tour operators got a package for 8days in
which some weird places were mentioned to which I had not agreed in
mumbai itself. and everything was in a mess. and my one full day
went in waste. when I came back I spoke to the cox and kings fellows at
first they said yes by mistake they had sent the wrong iternery
and said will look into this matter and will try to pay my taxi charges
which I paid (4500/-) later I just got dates from they tht call
on this date send me fax etc and now at last I got a reply saying I
wont be getting my refund. friends take this advice seriously and never
book your trip through cox and kings. they are worst then any road side
travel agent also. once I get some free time I will take them to
consumer court cos I have all the proofs... friends plz help me
to teach them a lesson. dont forget to rate this review.